Volume 3, Issue 3
November 2013
Volume 3, Issue 3.1
Editorial – International perspectives on the development of research-guided practice in community-based arts in health
by Mike White, Dr. Sarah Atkinson and Margret Meagher
Volume 3, Issue 3.2
Conducting art-based research in dementia-specific healthcare in Australia
by Dr. Julie Gross McAdam
Volume 3, Issue 3.3
Live music as a bridge between paediatric hospitals and outside communities: A proposed research framework and a review of the literature
by Costanza Preti
Volume 3, Issue 3.4
A UK feasibility study on the value of singing for people with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
by Dr Ian Morrison, Stephen Clift, Sonia Page, Isobel Salisbury,Matthew Shipton, Ann Skingley, Trish Vella Burrows, Simon Coulton, Pauline Treadwell
Volume 3, Issue 3.5
Dancemind’s ‘Moving Memories’ Evaluation and analysis; a UK based dance and health project for people living with dementia and their care-staff
by Dr Richard Coaten, Heeley T, Spitze N
Volume 3, Issue 3.6
‘A Window Opening Up?’ The Contribution of Arts Programmes to Quality of Life for Older People Living in Care- Homes in Ireland
by Ann Leahy
Volume 3, Issue 3.7
Creative Progression: Reflections on quality in participatory arts
by François Matarasso
Volume 3, Issue 3.8
The Bealtaine festival: towards a model for community-based arts contributing to healthy ageing for older people in Ireland?
by Dr Áine Ní Léime
Volume 3, Issue 3.9
Women’s Inequality: A Global Problem Explored in Participatory Arts
by Susan Hogan and Lorna Warren
Volume 3, Issue 3.10
Addressing the calls for evidence in arts and health: a quantitative approach to understanding the role of the arts in the wellbeing of the Mid West region of Western Australia
by Dr. Julia Anwar-McHenry
Volume 3, Issue 3.11
From Autistic to Artistic An Artist’s Developmental Pathway through the Health and Disability Sector
by Annick Janson, Bernadette Grosyeux, Marcel Baaijens, Melissa Janson, John Mandelberg, Steven Lim and Yaniv Daniel Janson
Volume 3, Issue 3.12
Giving Shape to Experience in an Urban Aboriginal Community: the Ngala Nanga Mai (We Dream) pARenT Group Program
by Michelle Jersky, Lola Callaghan, Karen Zwi, Perdi Osborne, Sally Fitzpatrick, Melissa Haswell-Elkins and Natasha Freeman
Guest Editors
Mike White
Margret Meagher
Sarah Atkinson
Health has become a recurrent topic in discussion of the role of the arts in society, fuelled by a growing body of research into links between culture and flourishing. In community arts in particular there has been a widespread development of projects addressing health issues. This is a distinct area of activity operating mainly outside of acute healthcare settings and is characterised by the use of participatory arts to promote health. There are indications that this work is developing in response to health needs of communities in differing cultures and healthcare systems around the world, but so far there is little mutual knowledge or connection of the work at an international level.
This issue aims to draw together well-researched case studies of community-based arts in health projects from different parts of the globe. Each case study should explain the motivation for the work undertaken and its sensitivity to context and cultural diversity, the partnership structures and ethos developed in its delivery, and the research methodologies used. Submissions are particularly invited that reflect multidisciplinary knowledge of the application of arts development to health and flourishing communities from the perspectives of applied arts, public health, anthropology, social geography, education and other disciplines.